ACERTTO TALENT LINKERS S.L. (Acertto) is an Organization in which activities involving personal data processing take place; this confers her a huge responsibility in the planning and organization of proceedings so that they respond to the legal accomplishment related to this topic.
In the exercise of these responsibilities and with the object of establishing the general principles which must govern the processing of personal data within Acertto, approves this Policy of Personal data Protection, which is notified to her employees and which is made available for every interest group.
- 1. Purpose
The Policy of Personal Data Protection is a measure of Proactive responsibility whose purpose is to ensure the accomplishment of the legislation applicable for this topic and, in relation to this, the respect of the right of honor and intimacy within personal data processing of every person who maintain a relationship with Acertto.
According to what established by this Policy of Personal Data Protection, the principles governing data processing within the organization are established, along with the proceedings and the organization and security measures which the persons affected by this Policy commit to implement in their part of responsibility.
With this purpose, the Management will assign the responsibilities to the personnel who takes part in processing data operations.
- 2. Scope of application
This Policy of Personal Data Protection will be applied by Acertto, its administrators, executives and employees, as well as every person who maintain a relationship with it, expressly including the service suppliers who can access data (“Data Controllers”).
- 3. Principles of Personal Data processing
As a general principle, Acertto will scrupulously comply with the legislation related to personal data protection and has to be able to prove it (Principle of <>), paying a particular attention to those proceedings which can imply a greater risk for the rights of the affected (Principle of <>).
Regarding what has been stated, ACERTTO TALENT LINKERS S.L. will watch over the accomplishment of the following principles:
– Lawfulness, loyalty, transparency and limitation of the purpose. Data processing must always be communicated to the affected, through the use of clauses and other means; it will be considered legitimate only if there is evidence of the consent to data processing (with particular attention to the consent given for persons under the legal age), or has another valid legitimization and the purpose of the same is in accordance with the regulations.
– Data minimization. The processed data must be appropriate, pertinent and restricted to the necessary in relation with the purposes of the processing.
– Exactness. Data must be exact and, if necessary, updated. Thereunder, the necessary measures to eliminate or rectify without any delay the personal data which are not exact in relation with the purposes of the processing will be implemented.
– Limitation of the storage period. Data will be maintained in order to allow the identification of the interested in no longer than necessary in relation with the purposes of the processing.
– Integrity and Confidentiality. Data will be processed in order to guarantee a suitable security to personal data, including the protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against its loss, destruction or accidental damage, by means of the implementation of the suitable technical or organizational measures.
– Data transfer. It is forbidden to purchase or obtain personal data from unlawful sources or whenever the aforementioned data have been gathered or transferred contravening the Law, or their legitimate provenience origin has not been sufficiently guaranteed.
– Hiring of suppliers with Access to data. Only the suppliers who offer enough guarantees to implement suitable technical and security measures in data processing will be chosen to be hired. The due Agreement will be documented in this regard with these third parties.
– International transfer of data. Every personal data processing subject to European Union regulations which implies a transfer of data outside of the European Economic Area must be realized with the strict accomplishment of the requirements established by the applicable regulations.
– Rights of the affected. Acertto will provide the affected with the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, elimination, limitation of processing, opposition and portability, establishing with that purpose the internal proceedings, and in particular the models for its exercise which result to be necessary and appropriate, which must meet, at least, the legal requirements to be applied for each case.
Acertto will promote the acknowledgement of the principles gathered in the present Policy of personal data protection and that they will be taken into consideration (i) in the planification and implementation of every professional proceeding, (ii) in the products and services provided, (iii) in every agreement and obligation which is formalized or assumed and (iv) in the implantation of the systems and platforms which allow employees or third parties to access and/or collect or process personal data.
4. Employees’ commitment
Employees are informed about the present Policy and declare themselves aware that the information of personal nature is part of the assets of Acertto; According to this, they adhere themselves to it, committing to the following:
- Realizing the training of awareness of Data Protection which Acertto makes available for them.
- Applying the security measures at a user level which correspond to their position in the company, without damaging the responsibilities in its planification and implementation which may be assigned to them according to their role in Acertto.
- Using the established formats for the exercise of Rights on the behalf of the affected and immediately informing Acertto in order to make the response effective.
- Informing Acertto, as soon as they get to know it, about deviations from what established by this Policy, specially about “Breaches in personal Data Security”, using in this regard the established format.
5. Control and assessment
A verification, assessment and valuation of technical and organizational measures will be realized annually, or whenever significant changes in data processing take place, to ensure the security of processing.
The present legal notice regulates the use of the website www.acertto.es (from now on, THE WEB), whose owner is ACERTTO TALENT LINKERS S.L. (from now on, THE WEB’S OWNER). The navigation through the website of THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE attributes the condition of user of the same and involves the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice, which may undergo modifications. The user commit his/herself to make proper use of the website in accordance with laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this Legal Notice. The user will take responsibility before THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE or before third parties for any damage which might occur as a consequence of the failure to fulfill the aforesaid responsibility.
1. IDENTIFICATION AND COMMUNICATIONS THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE, according to the 34/2002 Law of the 11th of July, about information society and e-commerce services, informs that: Its corporate name is: ACERTTO TALENT LINKERS S.L.. CIF is: B40620387. Its registered office is in: C/Uruguay, n. 11, 1st Floor, Store 106 46007 Valencia (Spain). To communicate with us we provide you with several means of contact, which are detailed below: Phone Number: info@acertto.es. Email: info@acertto.es. Every notification and communication between the users and THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE will be considered effective, for all intents and purposes, when they are realized by means of postal mail or any other mean of those previously mentioned.
2. CONDITIONS FOR ACCESS AND USE: The website and its services are freely accessible and free of charge, nevertheless, THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE conditions the use of some services offered on the website to the prior completion of the corresponding form. The user guarantees the authenticity and updating of every data communicated to THE OWNER OF THE WEB and will be the only responsible for any false or inaccurate statements he/she makes. The user expressly commits to make a proper use of contents and services provided by THE OWNER OF THE WEB and c) Not to attempt to access the email accounts of other users or the computer systems restricted areas of THE OWNER OF THE WEB or third parties and, if applicable, to extract information. d) Not to violate the rights of intellectual or industrial property, as well as not to violate the confidentiality of the information of THE OWNER OF THE WEB or third parties. e) Not to impersonate another user, public administrations or any third party. f) Not to reproduce, copy, distribute, make available, or any other form of public communication, transform or modify contents, unless he/her has been given the authorization by the owner of the corresponding rights or unless it is legally permitted. g) Not to gather data for advertisement purposes and send any kind of advertising and communications for sales purposes or others with a commercial nature without their prior request or consent. Every content of the website, such as texts, pictures, graphs, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitutes a work whose property belongs to THE OWNER OF THE WEB, without being assumed to be transferred to the user any of the rights of exploitation over it beyond what is strictly necessary for the proper use of the website. Ultimately, the users who access this website are allowed to visualize contents and realize, if applicable, authorized private copies provided that the elements which are reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties, or installed on servers connected to networks, or are not the object of any kind of exploitation. Additionally, every brand, commercial name or distinctive sign of any kind which appears on the website is property of THE OWNER OF THE WEB, without being assumed that the use or access to the same confers any right over it to the user. The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of contents and any other action which has not been expressly authorized by the owner of the exploitation rights is forbidden. The establishment of a hyperlink does not imply, in any case, the existence of relations between THE OWNER OF THE WEB and the owner of the website on which it is established, neither the acceptance or the endorsement of its contents or services on the behalf of THE OWNER OF THE WEB. Those persons who resolve to establish a hyperlink must previously request the written authorization to THE OWNER OF THE WEB. In any case, the hyperlink will only allow the access to the homepage of the present website; additionally, it must refrain from making false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications about THE OWNER OF THE WEB, or include illicit contents, contrary to good manners and public order. THE OWNER OF THE WEB does not assume responsibility for the use that each user gives to the materials made available on this website or the actions taken based on them.
3. GUARANTEES AND RESPONSIBILITY EXCLUSION: The content of the present website is of a general nature and has a merely informative purpose, without fully ensuring the access to every content, or its completeness, correctness, validity or timeliness, or its suitability or usefulness for a specific purpose. THE OWNER OF THE WEB excludes, to the extent permitted by the law, any responsibility for the damages of any kind derived from: a) The impossibility of access to the website or the lack of truthfulness, exactness, exhaustivity and/or timeliness of contents, as well as the existence of faults and defects of any kind in the contents which are broadcast, spread, stored, made available, which have been accessed by means of the website or the services provided. b) The presence of viruses or other elements in the contents which may lead to alterations in computer systems, electronical documents or users’ data. c) The failure to comply with laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses and this legal notice as a consequence of the incorrect use of the website. In particular, and as an exemplification, THE OWNER OF THE WEB is not responsible for third parties’ actions which violate intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, honor rights, personal and familiar intimacy and self-image, as well as the regulations about unfair competition and illicit advertisement. Moreover, THE OWNER OF THE WEB declines any responsibility in relation to the information standing outside of this website and which is not directly managed by our webmaster. The function of the links which appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources which are capable of expanding the contents offered by this website. THE OWNER OF THE WEB does not guarantee nor takes responsibility for the functioning or accessibility of the linked websites; nor suggests, invites or recommends the visit to the same, so that she will not be responsible for the obtained result. THE OWNER OF THE WEB does not take responsibility for the establishment of hyperlinks by third parties.
4. PRIVACY POLICY: When we need to obtain information on your behalf, we will always ask you to provide it voluntarily and expressly. Data collected from the data collection forms of the website or through other means will be incorporated in a CUSTOMER’S SELECTIONAL ACTIVITY REGISTRY which is available to THE CONTROL AUTHORITY the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, for which THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE is responsible. This entity will treat data in a confidential way and with the only purpose of providing the requested services, with every legal and security guarantee which is imposed by the EU REGULATION 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of the 27th of April of 2016 on the protection of individuals and the Law 34/2002 of the 11th of July, on Information Society Services and electronic Commerce. THE OWNER OF THE WEB commits not to transfer, sell, nor share the data with third parties without your express approval. Moreover, acertto.es will delete or rectify the data when they are proved to be inexact, incomplete or no longer necessary or relevant for their purpose, as it is established by the EU REGULATION 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of the 27th of April of 2016 on the protection of individuals. The user will be able to revoke his/her given consent and exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition addressing to that effect to the social address of Acertto, located in Calle Uruguay, nº 11, 1st Floor, Office 106, 46007, Valencia,identifying themselves properly and visibly indicating the specific right which is being exercised. THE OWNER OF THE WEB adopts the corresponding security levels required by the UE REGULATION 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of the 27th of April of 2016 on the protection of individuals and other applicable regulations. Nevertheless, she does not take any responsibility for the damages derived from alterations which can be caused on computer systems, electronical documents or user’s files by third parties. THE OWNER OF THE WEB may use Cookies during the provision of services of the website. Cookies are physical files of personal information housed in the user’s own terminal. The user has the possibility of configuring his/her browser in order to prevent the creation of Cookies files or to warn about it. If you decide to leave our website through links to other websites which do not belong to our entity, THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE will not be responsible for the privacy policies of those websites or the Cookies that these users may store. Our policy in relation with the email focuses on sending communications that you have requested to receive only. If you prefer not to receive those messages by email, we offer you, by means of the same, the possibility to exercise your right of deletion and resignation from the reception of those messages, in accordance with the provisions of the III Title, article 22 of the Law 34/2002 on Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.
5. PROCEDURE IN CASE OF PERFORMANCE OF ILLICIT ACTIVITIES In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the unlawful nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity in the web pages included or accessible through the website, must send a notice to the owner of the website duly identifying, specifying the alleged violations and expressly declaring under his responsibility that the information provided in the notification is accurate. For all litigious matters concerning the website of THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE, Spanish law shall apply.
6. PUBLICATIONS The administrative information provided through the website does not replace the legal advertising of laws, regulations, plans, general provisions and acts that have to be formally published in the official journals of public administrations, which are the only instrument that attests to their authenticity and content. The information available on this website should be understood as a guide with no purpose of legal validity.
CONTACT FORMS To comply with the EU REGULATION 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data of natural persons fully in the contact forms where personal data are collected, and according to the legal report of the AEPD in this regard, in each contact form where the customer enters their data, you must add a box type "check" that is not ticked previously and before the Send button, with a link to the Privacy Policy. Example:
[ ] I agree to the Privacy Policy You should not be able to submit the form if this box is not checked.
Fulfilling the regulation of the REGULATION UE2016/679 of protection of personal character data, we inform you that the data that you facilitate to us of voluntary form will be included in the Treatment of data of Clients to send you information that we consider can be useful to you referring to our products. You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights as explained in the additional and detailed information. You may exercise your rights by contacting the Data Protection Delegate at info@acertto.es